The End and Capture

Tentacles as high as mountains swept across and flattened the manor grounds. Clouds in the sky were perforated and a violent gale uprooted trees of the nearby forests. Arthas and the black man backed off in terror.

Arthas panicked and screamed, "Kill him! Kill him!"

The Subconscious Army charged at Project X again.

Arthas said in shock, "The energy field of the dreamscape was negated by the stronger energy field of the creature."

"He's immune to the sound wave illusion." Arthas gaped. "He shut off his five senses and uses an advanced method to sense this world."

Seeing the flames, lightning and frost being absorbed and assimilated into Project X, Arthas trembled. "Project X is evolving and is absorbing incremental amount of energy."

The subconscious Zhao Yao used all his might to attack but he was easily blocked by a tentacle and drawn into Project X's body.