
12 stories underground, in a secret prison cell of the supernatural prison.

A line of people clad in black combat uniforms held rifles in their hands as they charged deep into the corridor.

A bearded man leading the group asked, "How far is it? The Star Cats' reinforcements will arrive at anytime, we have at most one minute left. We need to leave immediately!"

Behind him, the young man replied, "We're almost there! We can't retreat now. The number of apostles in Star Cats are at a critical point now. This is our best chance."

As they said that, the line of people had already run to the end of the corridor and stopped in front of a huge steel door.

The huge steel door looked just like a bank vault. It was impossible to break open with normal methods.

"Let me do it!" A muscular man rushed forward and pressed his palms on the huge steel door. Vibration radiated out as he activated his ability.