
"I'm able to breathe easier now. Staying with Zhao Yao everyday, I'm almost having depression."

"Isn't this my dream…"

Arthas smiled and slapped his paw as Zhao Yao appeared before him and knelt down.

"Who let you stand, kneel down!"

Zhao Yao knelt on the ground trembling.

"Despicable snob, do you realize how arrogant you are?" Arthas slammed his paw down and scolded, "A mere human like you dares to show insolence. Do you know how great my contribution to the Dream Dimension is?"

As Arthas was scolding Zhao Yao heartily, a Munchkin cat flew in.

"Oh, it's Arthas! Congratulations, it's good news."

"Doomsday?" Arthas frowned. "How did I dream of him?"

The Munchkin cat, Doomsday, held a basket in his mouth and landed in front of Arthas as he said merrily, "Excellent Arthas, I'm surprised to see you. I'm giving you a kitten. I hope you understand my intention."