Changing the World and Housework

Giggle felt very angry and his fur stood on end.

He immediately revived his game avatar and pursued his killer. After a shocking turn of events, his avatar was killed by his opponent again.

A dwarf jumped on his avatar's corpse and said, "Don't let me see you again. I'll kill you every time I see you."

Giggle exploded with anger but he did not give up. He revived his avatar, charged and attacked like a tiger. As Giggle's avatar was about to kill his opponent, his opponent's companion arrived and both of them killed Giggle's avatar.

The dwarf jumped as he said, "Not yielding? You are finished. Our guild's going to kill you until you concede defeat."

Bam! A flower pot exploded. Within the room, powerful energies emanated from the air. Numerous electrical appliances and furniture started to quake as though they had a life of their own.