
Dust Ball started transporting materials into the Extradimensional Belly to transform it into a supercat haven and catmint farm.

Zhao Yao arrived at Arthas and Diana's room and saw Arthas, Diana, Rice Cake, and Gaia lying down in the cat dwellings. They were wearing game visors on their heads and they looked like they were playing the computer game Closers World.

Zhao Yao thought, "Are all of them playing computer games in the name of research?"

Zhao Yao nudged both of them to wake them up.

Arthas yawned as he said, "Zhao Yao, why are you here?"

Zhao Yao said glumly, "I'm checking how your research is progressing. How's it going? Did you uncover the workings of the online game?"

Arthas' eyes lit up when Zhao Yao mentioned the online game. "This game is very addictive! There are two major camps, various ways to play, dramatic events and interesting creatures…"