Opening a Mall

"Enough! Everyone stop! Don't kill the last remaining Boss! All stop your attacks now!"

Matcha stared at the millions of his debt and widened his eyes, as if he was about to burst into tears.

"I, Matcha, can be considered a decent cat since the day I was born. I have never owed so much money before in my whole life… This feels horrible."

Although Matcha looked like he idled his days away most of the time and even owed Fish Ball 50 dollars, he was actually the kind of cat who would not be able to sleep well at night if he owed too much money.

Beside him, Lightning was brimming with spirit as he felt that it was a feat in itself to be able to owe this much money.

Dust Ball, whose character was a dark-skinned young female athlete, squatted at the side. As a cat, she was more used to squatting down, even though now she was controlling a person.