A Passionate Celebration

"Why is it so rushed?"

"Boss wants it urgently."

Maria and her aides came to Jianghai to carry out the orders of the alien cat, Giggle, to capture Zhao Yao.

"The name of our target this time is Zhao Yao. He's the ringleader of a massive and evil supercat syndicate. There are rumors that he has more than 200 supercats as his slaves," Maria said slowly. "In the day, he stays in the Cat Wonderland which he leaves open most of the time."

The female beside her asked, "Cat Wonderland?"

"An entertainment center that solicits cats as social escorts," Maria replied. "I heard that every month, many young cats are forced to stay in there to work as escorts to pay off their debts to Zhao Yao."

Ada frowned. "So he's a bad person."

Maria, Ada and the man beside them, John, were normal apostles which Giggle found in the United States. Their powers were only able to surpass that of ordinary apostles on Earth after Giggle personally trained them.