New Account

Sitting on the sofa of the Cat Island villa, Zhao Yao did not use the game visor. He wanted to use Diana's superpower to enter Closers World.

After thinking for a while, he stopped and put on Cheese's Cloak. He flew into the clouds instantly.

"I can't use my previous account as it will unravel my fake death."

"Though I don't know whether they can discover my landing location if I use my superpower to land at different locations before going online, they won't be able to find my real location."

Zhao Yao flew at supersonic speed and arrived in Seoul, South Korea. He lay down a Dimension Portal and flew to Moscow where he lay down another Dimension Portal.

After Dust Ball's latest level upgrade, she had five Dimension Portal at her disposal.

There was one on Cat Island and one on Cat Wonderland. Zhao Yao had used two portals today, leaving one for urgent use.

"Hmm, I'll use the global portals to enter Closers World."