Debt and Attack

Shreev drove Asser in a car as they followed the trails of Simba's armored car.

Simba took out a cell phone and said, "Hello? Where's their convoy? Are they found? I want to find their leader!"

"Oh? He left after arriving at the airport? He flew northwest?"

Simba reversed his armored car and drove in the direction of Xiao Ming's factory.

Zhao Yao flew at supersonic speed and left a trail of air vortex behind him as he circled in the sky before flying to Xiao Ming's factory.

He landed at the factory entrance. His ears quivered and he discovered that the factory was empty.

His figure flashed and Zhao Yao's after-images appeared at the entrance, empty lots, grass patch, and the corridor before he arrived at the manager's office.

His ears quivered and he heard a person's voice inside.

"Xiao Ming?" Zhao Yao pushed open the door as he shouted, "Are you inside?"

He saw Xiao Ming struggling as he was hung from a rope.