
A small boat slowed to a halt at the beach and the apostles disembarked from the boat.

"Is this Cat Island?"

"Doesn't look special."

"Be careful. There's a few hundred supercats on the island."

A slim man wearing a dark windbreaker came down from the boat with a Ragdoll cat in his arms. "Finally, we've arrived."

The Ragdoll cat meowed incessantly and typed on the cellphone that said, "Find Elizabeth! Remember! She's a Ragdoll cat with very long fur! And very sweet looking!"

The eight apostles were taken aback as the description was not very helpful for identification of Elizabeth.

The man carrying the Ragdoll cat said, "Lord Napoleon, don't be impatient. Though the Headless Horseman's dead, we can't possibly look for every cat. Let's be steady and capture every supercat as we look for traces of Elizabeth."