Finding Cat

Hearing the commotion on Cat Island, Zhao Yao frowned, looked at Asser and Arria sleeping and decided to imprison them in the Extradimensional Belly.

The moment he opened the Dimension Portal, seawater gushed out and drenched him.

Zhao Yao opened his mouth and inhaled gently to suck the seawater into the Extradimensional Belly. He closed the Dimension Portal and swallowed himself into the Extradimensional Belly.

Seeing the seawater flooding the Extradimensional Belly, Zhao Yao shouted angrily, "Dust Ball! What are you doing?!"

On top of a cliff, Dust Ball was laughing heartily as she sprayed the Royal Cat Guards until they retreated. "Where's Matcha? Hand over Matcha! Otherwise I'll drench you twenty times."

Airplane lifted his drenched head and said furiously, "Dust Ball! You are in trouble after drenching all of us. Zhao Yao will not let you go."

Dust Ball scoffed, "Humph, Airplane, are you more important than me in Zhao Yao's heart?