
Just as Napoleon was shaking with fright, Zhao Yao hooked his finger and said, "Ares, come here."

Ares whizzed to the Dimension Portal. "I don't want to be eaten! I don't want to die! My flesh is not delicious!"

Ares ran for a few meters before Zhao Yao caught his tail and dragged him back slowly.

"Did you see how fat you are? I'm unable to afford your voracious appetite. Your action of cutting other cats' fur is deplorable and you messed up the island. I'll make barbecue cat meat out of you."

Seeing another supercat being sent into the kitchen, Napoleon was so shaken that he could not stop his teeth from chattering. His tail curled up into a bundle and he peed a large pool of urine on the ground.

"What shall I do? What shall I do? What shall I do?"

"Will I be eaten? Will I be eaten? Will I be eaten? Will I be eaten? Will I be eaten?"

"I'm going to die! I'm going to die! I'm going to die!!!"