Pursuit and Capture

When Zhao Yao went off to chase Giggle and Tom.

On Earth, billions of viewers were in awe after witnessing what they had just seen.

Especially for those Natural Disaster apostles, they were even more aware of how strong the powers that Zhao Yao had displayed were.

The black officer found Durant and asked tentatively, "Durant, what do you think?"

"What do I think? What can I think?" Durant sighed. "He has an incredibly strong body and a strong resistance to powers. I can't even think of what on Earth would be able to kill him."

"Yeah." The black officer sighed. "He could take down hundreds of apostles' attacks, ignore the high temperature, radiation and shock waves from the nuclear bomb… I wonder if he is still human."

The capabilities that Zhao Yao displayed were incomprehensible for the apostles on Earth. It was beyond their understanding of powers and shattered their previous values.