Spy And Delay

In Closers World, Zhao Yao floated in the sky above the Beginner's Village. Screens appeared before him, showing the situation of Chinchilla controlling the dark fat beginners.

Diana said, "It's him. After entering Closers World, he triggered the alarm system. He possessed a high power of awareness. I hurried over to observe him. In order not to alert him, I didn't attack or chase him away."

Zhao Yao nodded. "What you did was correct."

The screens in front of Zhao Yao and the defense system surrounding Closers World were his fruits of labor after spending several years in design and development.

Zhao Yao spied on the alien cat and said, "He… doesn't seem anxious or on guard."

He frowned and thought of the reason. "He's not aware of my existence. He might think that the game was created by Giggle. From what they know, there are no humans or cats on this planet that could defeat them."