Alien Planets

"I'm playing Closers World 2.0 and it's a fun, healthy, and wholesome game. Tonight at eight o'clock, if you're game, join me."


After looking at the video, Zhao Xue spurted out the milk tea in her mouth and coughed violently.

Zhao Yao walked over silently. Zhao Xue pointed at the person in the television and stammered, "He… he… he, he, he… he's playing Closers World?"

"Not possible. I only asked him to make an advertisement for me." Zhao Yao hesitated and said, "No, he accessed Closers World during bedtime but he didn't play. He only made use of Closers World to save on sleeping time."

Zhao Xue looked astonished at Zhao Yao.

Zhao Yao was pleased and said, "What's the most important job in society? Being a good human. I'm of good character with integrity so I know a lot of people. Do you understand?"

Zhao Xue rolled her eyes as she did not believe a word of his.