Schooling and Solution

A few of the apprentices panted heavily and looked surprised at Zhao Yao. "Why is he so strong?"

An apprentice who was beside Blue Moon and wanted to catch up with Zhao Yao panted heavily. "His endurance's very strong. I think he didn't use all his efforts."

Blue Moon nodded but did not take it to heart. Yesterday, he had asked a trainer regarding Zhao Yao and knew that his potential was inferior and could not borrow much of Wheatley's power.

A cat slave's most important aptitude was whether he was compatible with the supercat and how much power he could borrow.

Zhao Yao's potential was bad and could not borrow much power. Even if he had superior constitution, in Blue Moon's eyes, it was of no value.

After everyone had lined up, Blue Moon clapped his hands and said, "Two people in a group, relaxing exercise, begin."