White Short Star

Seeing this cat, Zhao Yao understood that this Level 99 cat was the strongest Short Fur Tribe supercat, the Whitehand Grandmaster.

"Oops, my desire's acting up again."

Zhao Yao wanted to put the cat into his arms and cuddle him to his heart's content. Then he would bring the cat home and never let the cat go out.

A strong power of awareness flooded the hall and everyone heard the frail voice of the Whitehand Grandmaster in their minds.

"White Short Star? Everyone's here, how long do you intend to sleep?"

Everyone kept very quiet and not a sound was heard in the hall.

The ground quaked for a while.

"What's happening? Is that an earthquake?" Zhao Yao frowned and felt the series of quaking coming from the ground. He lifted his head. "No, not earthquake. It's a slight change in gravity."

"The cause of the change…"