Tough Guy

Seeing Grayley reject his suggestion, Corona replied, "Okay, the cost of the Blood of Evolution isn't cheap, what can you give me?"

"Money, I have lots of money," Grayley said. "One billion Cat Sterling? Or 1000 two-star cat slaves."

"D*mn rich tycoon. It's easy to make money from these dreamscape players." Corona scolded in his heart. He was afraid Grayley might go back on his words and said quickly, "One billion Cat Sterling. Deal."

Grayley said, "Let's begin. I'll let someone bring over the money later. Help me strengthen my cat slave."

Corona extended one of his front paw's claws and cut his chest gently. A drop of boiling blood fell on his paw pad.

Corona saw Zhao Yao's puzzled face and explained, "My Blood of Evolution contains the body material which was strengthened by my power of awareness and life force.