Capturing Cats

The drastic change in air pressure and the sudden spike in temperature destroyed Zhao Yao's body. However, he looked at Blood God, pointed his palm at Blood God and yelled. "Dragon Breakthrough!"

Blood God's armor was watching the entire battlefield's situation and they notified Blood God the moment Zhao Yao appeared.

"Dimension Travel? Short Fur Tribe's cat slave?" Blood God frowned and wanted to kill Zhao Yao instinctively. He attacked Zhao Yao with his plasma.

"Finally here." Shadowfax heaved a sigh of relief and wanted to cooperate with Zhao Yao to kill Blood God.

However, at the next moment, as Zhao Yao yelled Dragon Breakthrough, the entire world fell silent.

"Fortunately I have Time Freeze or my attire would be burnt into ashes if I fought with you guys."

Zhao Yao was under Blood God and then he leaped onto Blood God's shoulders. He looked at the broken armor and nodded.