The Grueling Fight

A neutron star that was as huge as a hill opened his mouth and roared without a sound as he pounced on the Chaos Stronghold.

The Chaos Stronghold flashed with billions of light rays as numerous photon cannons fired on the neutron star. The concentrated power was enough to turn the Earth's surface into a burning hell and kill billions of people.

The targeted neutron star smiled and gazed at the billions of shot lines as he pounced on the Chaos Stronghold. His paw, that was the size of a small hill, pressed on the armor until it became dented. He locked himself firmly on the surface of the stronghold.

Magis was dumbstruck and he said, "He's a neutron star and his surface could absorb heat. Stop the photon attacks… use the kinetic energy weapons against him!"

The kinetic energy weapons on the outside of the stronghold activated and fired countless superalloy shells that reached tens of thousands of meter per second on the neutron star.