Leveling up

"Aye, I am leveling up everyday. It is so tough."

Diana floated out from the void of space and looked at Zhao Yao. "Zhao Yao, do you want to help? Everyone is unsatisfied with Closers World's new update. They say that the new bosses are too hard to fight."

Zhao Yao was angry. "Can't you see that I am leveling up?"

Diana looked at the game on the screen. "But, you…"

Zhao Yao. "Don't you know that it is very tough to level up? Why am I working so hard? It is all to protect you guys! Protect the earth!"

Diana was complaining in her heart. "… Aren't you just playing games in Closers World… and you even cleared the level of the Cousin, Elves, and Zelda."

Zhao Yao sighed. "Why can't anyone understand my hard work?

Furthermore, I have handed the operations of Closers World over to you guys, if nothing major happens do not disturb me!