Identical And Setting Off

Milk Tea heard Matcha's words and his body froze as he smiled and said, "It's a long tradition. Two bosses? It's not feasible and I don't think the higher-ups would approve."

Matcha said, "With my Cat Beating Stick, I'm not afraid of them. If we team up, won't we control the entire school?"

Milk Tea smiled and said, "Let's not talk about this Brother Matcha. Mao Mao told me that he has seen several cats that look like him…"

"Orange cats looking identical is quite common. That's not a big deal."

"It's beyond identical." Milk Tea took out the photograph and said, "Brother Matcha, take a look. It's a lookalike."

Matcha extended his head to take a look. He almost thought that was a covert photograph of himself.

Zhao Yao left Closers World to deal with Matcha's problem. Nasha and her companions gathered and started talking.

Thunder said, "Captain, why did you apologize to that guy?"