Charging Account

It was time for the end of month summary. Zhao Yao looked at the Book and he obtained experience points from his business profits.

The profits from Cat Wonderland Street was extremely high as more people were paying attention to him after he used his connections to borrow large sums of money.

Friends were afraid that Zhao Yao did not have enough money and needed to borrow from them. Hence they used their efforts to boost the businesses on Cat Wonderland Street for him to earn more profits.

For this month, Zhao Yao obtained more than 200 000 experience points from the profits.

Book was now Book: Level 9 (2 717 917/200 000)

"I have more than 2 000 000 experience points I can use."

His eyes lit up as he looked at his 1000 lottery draws. He waited every month just for the pleasure of having lottery draws. He could not wait any longer as he started the draws.

50 experience points.

100 experience points.

50 experience points.