Ending (2)

Matcha shuddered, turned his head and saw Zhao Xue behind him.

"Didn't I ask you to quickly get changed, get your fur done and get ready to attend the wedding?" Zhao Xue rubbed Matcha's fur and said angrily. "Why are you still covered in orange fur? Didn't I dye you white?"

"Ah… I don't know, after using Time Freeze for a few times, it grew back." Matcha was troubled. "I don't want it either."

"Stop talking, quickly get changed and wake Zhao Yao up to attend the wedding." While speaking, she frowned upon the group of cats fighting. "Why is the fight so intense?"

"Don't worry, everything is under control. No cat will die."

Zhao Xue said, "Stop bullshitting, look at Cannon who is about to become bald from the bites. Find a way to get them to stop."

"Hehe, watch me." Matcha fished out a phone and screamed loudly, "Zhao Yao is here!"