Heard that arm-wrestling you would let me awaken?

300 dollars didn't seem that much, but the cost of one meal was about 10 dollars. As he was cooking at home, the cost of one person's meal did not even reach 10 dollars.

Usually, even when he gives Lu Xiaoyu a good meal comprising two or three slabs of lean meat of a decent quantity, the meat costs just 9 dollars.

Potatoes cost about 3 dollars per pound.

Peppers, 1 dollar 50 cents.

With the sauces, oils and et cetera, the cost was not even 20 dollars.

Lu Shu was used to being poor and calculative. At the start, he might have felt grief but he still felt happy even with those circumstances. If it was someone else without parents at the age of 16, he would probably handle it much worse compared to Lu Shu.

He was stubborn and headstrong. When others thought he was not living in comfort, he would be bent on living comfortably to prove them wrong.