
Chang Hengyue felt that he could not wait any longer, dragging this out any further would only disadvantage and kill himself. One of them had their fill of food and water, while the other is hungry and weak. The one who dies will definitely be the weak one.

It wasn't a matter of whether or not he wanted to make the first move. If he didn't make any move, he was just waiting for his death. Even though Lu Shu's sword gave him fear and doubt, Chang Hengyue couldn't care anymore!

He inched closer to Lu Shu as Lu Shu looked calmly at him, what was impending was finally here.

Lu Shu didn't want to kill, but in this path of training and cultivation, it was inevitable to chance upon bloody and cruel situations. He, as a practitioner, had to have the nerve to go past all these obstacles.

Chang Hengyue's body darted forward, and Lu Shu braced himself while awaiting his opponent's first move.