
After trying this bronze mirror out, Lu Shu suddenly thought of another possibility: there could still be some magical energy during the era of Princess Wencheng. So when she asked someone to bring her the mirror to look at her father, she was blinded upon using the mirror!

Then, she threw the precious mirror away?! It wasn't that impossible. Lu Shu's eyes were immensely sore. The light previously was really too intense. Luckily for him, his rate of recovery was quick.

Lu Shu suddenly thought. Could it be that Li Dian baited him to the bronze mirror on purpose? Of course, this was just him having random thoughts. No matter how useless this magical item might be, as long as it was a magical item, he should just take it first.

Liang Che and Li Dian ran towards Sun-moon mountains. Their speed could not compare to Lu Shu at all, and neither could their physique compare. They ran for tens of kilometers, but even as practitioners, they were rather fatigued.