A Strange Forest

"Lu Shu, what's happening up there?" Wei Qianyi hollered from below, his voice piercing through the thick cover of leaves to reach Lu Shu. However, Lu Shu's first response was not to reply, but see if Wei's shouting can frighten any birds or other animals hiding amongst the leaves…

Surprisingly, not even one bird flew from the forest.

This is a little strange. How can such a huge forest not contain even small bird, but only that huge raptor just now?

This feeling was akin to having all the fishes in the Yangtze River disappearing: something just seems missing.

However, most regrettable was the fact that had a flock of birds flew out from the trees, his distress points would most likely be stable. Sadly, there seemed to be not many live animals in this forest.

Lu Shu shouted down loudly from the treetop, "Nothing, just a big bird. It flew away after we greeted each other."

The bunch of classmates were all taken aback. So fantastical?