Breaking A Contract

Besides Cheng Qiuqiao, Lu Shu did not manage to find anybody else. In any case, they all had scattered for a living by themselves. Even the most self-esteemed person would understand the importance of survival after two days.

However, Lu Shu was still uncertain about the purpose of the assessment. No one would be so silly as to do something unlawful, while being fully aware that they were being assessed by the Heavenly Network.

Actually, instead of an assessment, maybe it was more of a boot camp to dampen their pride.

And Lu Shu agreed that it was definitely meaningful and necessary to mold those geniuses from ambitious individuals with puny abilities to people who were willing to get their hands dirty in the delivery of optimal performance.

If they were still unable to let go of their "geniuses' burden" during battles, it would become their greatest flaw.