A Race Between The Experts

Actually, school bullying was a very serious matter in Japan and had received vast media coverage. In recent years, repeated cases had been reported on victims of bullying throwing themselves in front of trains in an attempt to end their lives of humiliation.

Undoubtedly, though, this could partially be attributed to their students' fragile mental resilience. Many Chinese students studying in Japan had realized that the education system there was not as good as expected, as it failed to groom their students into psychologically strong individuals.

Yet, one must acknowledge that mentally weak people exist in all societies.

And just like other countries, Japan has both the beautiful side and the ugly. Some girls even preferred gangster-looking boys because they were deemed to be more "manly".

Thinking that Kirihara Yousuke's bento used to be robbed everyday, Lu Shu loathed that people of Noguchi Yuki's kind did not even suffer from any guilty conscience.