Open, the Sea of Chi!

As Lu Shu was battling the blood dragon, he momentarily fell silent. He guessed that out of all the people here, some were his comrades from the Heavenly Network. He never thought that he would have to say goodbye to them just after meeting them.

This was perhaps the reason why Lu Shu felt touched when he had made his vow then. Long live willpower!

He had come to where he was now by a strange combination of circumstances. The blood formation had been formed. He understood that he would probably not be able to escape. The sea of chi was already within his sight.

But Lu Shu felt no remorse. All the moments from his 17 years of living appeared before his eyes. They were like the pages of a book continuously flipping in the warm breeze under the afternoon sun. The pages stopped flipping and all that was left were two unyielding words on the last page. Live On.