Escape The Rigid Framework

At the moment, every trace of the thick black fog in the abyss had been absorbed by the snake, which Lu Shu reckoned should have a change of name. Certainly, "the golden snake" was inappropriate now, but "the black snake" did not sound fancy either. Its name should not be solely dependent on its color. Otherwise, it would seem Lu Shu was a bad name chooser.

How about the chaos snake? Lu Shu felt it sounded nice.

Now, sitting with his legs crossed, Ming Yueye stared at Lu Shu's Sun mirror which was now pointing elsewhere. He wondered how this young man had entered, though he would admit he was not being honest either.

Suddenly Ming Yueye said, "I have a training technique that should be suitable for you. Years ago, the East Lord of Heaven Yu Fuyao gained his fame through that. Come here and I will tell you."

Lu Shu was happy. "It's fine. I can hear you from here. I'm listening."