Outstanding Little Fury

Little Fury brought its mice to run along the sewage pipes. When people walked on the surface, they would suddenly hear something running under the manhole cover.

There were many harmless insects in this dark and damp environment. For example, moths and red earthworms were common here. If such insects appeared at home, a bottle of detergent would do the trick.

But that was before they had transformed. Now, moths that were previously as big as the little finger had grown as large as the thumb. It did not attack people, but the mice army would not have mercy on them.

Little Fury knew that they could completely eradicate these insects. Their eggs were too small to be seen. A new batch would hatch in a few days. But as long as the mice army was around, they would be killed.

But when there were harmless insects, there would be other insects who fed on them. These insects were more dangerous.