Vengeful Lu Shu

The location of Luo City was about N34°37′9.01′′, E112°26′50.37′′. Lu Shu calculated the most desirable direction in which the Seal of Lands should expand. Then he realized, to his dismay, that the city was located right in the center of the country and it was far from any national border…

So how? It would take ages to expand it overseas!

Despite Nie Ting's warning, Lu Shu believed that his ultimate intention was benign. Indeed, he was looking for the root cause of the mutation, and this required multiple trials and errors. It was impossible to forbid him any mistakes in the process!

It's okay! Not a big deal!

Then, he continued to ponder about any possible way to accelerate the expansion. Once again he climbed up the sky ladder of the Seal of Lands in an attempt to control the expansion accurately provided the good view. And it turned out to be viable too.