Opening Ceremony

You Mingyu and Zhao Yongchen were practically sure that they would be able to convince Lu Shu to go to the Changbai Mountains. They did not expect Lu Shu to reject! His reason? He was now the leader of the Luo Shen Cultivation College. How could he abandon his students to go to the Changbai Mountains?

You Mingyu and Zhao Yongchen tried to hint to him that he would be fighting overseas Practitioners. Everything he obtained from this trip would be his!

But to their shock, Lu Shu still rejected the offer!

It was a joke. Of course, You Mingyu and Zhao Yongchen did not know that the member of the Heavenly Network who could collect souls stated in the Golden Foundation forum was Lu Xiaoyu. Thus, they also did not know that Lu Shu already suspected that the culprit was after him.