A New World

As soon as Lu Shu woke up on the other side of the door, he understood why the Puppet Masters were weakened after going through the gate. It was speculated that the Puppet Masters had lowered their power level and were thrown around in the space behind the door. The harsh condition had made Lu Shu pass out straightaway… Honestly speaking, Lu Shu admired how the Puppet Masters could still fight on after passing the tunnel.

Admittedly, though, Puppet Masters could retain their Class B powers, but Lu Shu's physical abilities at the moment were no different from a commoner's.

He opened his eyes and studied the surroundings. It seemed that he was lying on a cold, hard bed. In the corner of the little adobe house, there was a hoe-looking farming tool, with crumbs of mud on its surface.

The bedding consisted of layers of mud bricks. There was nothing artistic about it as all of the bricks were molded into the standard rectangular shape and were scarcely baked…