Expert of the King's Teachings

Finally Lu Shu had a chance to visit the central area of the town. Although the floor was muddy and the ground tiles were laid in a haphazard arrangement, at least the environment looked more civilized.

In the countryside where Zhang Weiyu lived, Lu Shu could hardly see anyone else. Most of the people there had yielded to the pressures of life and sold their farms, their land and even themselves in exchange for a better life and Zhang Weiyu was among the few exceptions. Over time, Tiangeng Town had become the landlords' farmland.

There were not many food stalls along the streets. Most of them were business ones. Inside, the workers had marks on their body - a knife for the Yu family's, a gold ingot for the Lin's, and a fish for the Zhang's. The aristocrats had an even more complicated symbol which consisted of two criss crossing swords.