Slave Market

"He is indeed good looking," said one of the other girls to Mo Xiaoya. She thought about Lu Shu's appearance and felt that he was hard to forget. "But don't think about developing feelings for him. Ordinary people all admire stories where a rich young lady and a poor young man fall in love. But it is foolish for a rich young lady to admire these kinds of stories. There have been many such instances of this in the palace. Have you forgotten what happened last year? A scholar who had studied the poems of the king for only two or three days tricked the lady from the Lin family. What happened in the end? The scholar was drowned in Long Yin River, and the lady was forced to marry an aristocrat from the East Region. That aristocrat is very old. Several of his wives have already passed away!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Mo Xiaoya rolled her eyes. "I'm only speaking the truth. What does being good looking have anything to do with our family background."