The Evil Tiger Eats His Son

Why did Duanmu Huangqi come? Many people wanted to know the answer to this question.

Apart from those in the Luniverse, others had heard of Lu Shu's name before. The four Lords of Heaven rarely came to the palace. It felt as though everyone had cut their connections with the palace after the new Lord of Heaven assumed his position. Everyone was satisfied with their position as the commander.

However, what special motive did Duanmu Huangqi have when he came to the palace to attend the Sword Hut ceremony?

Lu Shu asked curiously, "How long has it been since the last visit by Duanmu Huangqi?"

Sun Zhongyang thought about it for a long while. "I think over 100 years. I am not sure about the exact length of time. I wasn't even born back then… Why do I feel like you are very nervous?"