The Situation Takes Its Own Course Regardless of My Wishes

Hakodate was a coastal city of Japan. They had a total population of 310 thousand people. A medium-sized city in China could reach a population of a few million people. Although this place seemed vast and deserted, this was not the case.

For example, the population of Luo City was 6.8 million, it had a surface area of over 15000 square kilometers.

Although Hakodate only had a population of 310 thousand people, it only had a surface area of 300 square kilometers.

This had to do with the size of the city.

Lu Shu followed Sakurai Yaeko and walked along the streets of Hakodate. Suddenly, he received distress points from You Mingyu. He was puzzled. He had not seen You Mingyu for a long time. Why did he suddenly receive distress points from him?

Had a problem occurred somewhere?!