A Generation of Masters, Lu Xiaoshu!

Wen Zaifou felt that he was extremely wise. When Sakurai Yaeko was planning to commit suicide, he had guessed that she did not want Lu Shu to come and be put in danger.

When he realized that Yu Fuyao had seen the protective magical object, he was not surprised. He knew that Yu Fuyao had a plan from the very beginning.

He was wise. Thus, he had carefully chosen a protective magical object for Sakurai Yaeko. Not only were masters not able to break through, even the owner of the magical object was not able to break free…

If it were not for Wen Zaifou's move, Sakurai Yaeko might have walked out of the protective barrier of light and died so that Lu Shu would not take a risk.

She was far too foolish. She thought that there would be no need for Lu Shu to risk his life if she died. But Wen Zaifou did not think that this would happen. He felt that if Sakurai Yaeko died, Lu Shu's rage would be able to destroy everything.