The System’s Thought Process

When Wang Yu logged in again, Ming Du and the rest had already completed the dungeon and were currently arguing in the guild chat.

Normally when these arguments took place, it was always everyone ganging up on Ming Du. However this time, the target of their abuse was Vainglory.

What was surprising was that the usually short tempered Vainglory was completely silent. If the chat didn't show that he was online Wang Yu would have thought that he was already logged off.

"What's going on? Look you guys already scared the poor kid! Even if you couldn't clear the dungeon you shouldn't be taking it out on a child like this" Wang Yu tried to mediate.

"We cleared it!" Boson sourly replied.

"Then why's everyone still scolding him?" Wang Yu asked in confusion.

"Because this little f**ker almost got us team wiped!" Ming Du angrily replied.