I Don’t Have Time For Trash

The skinny Thief quickly darted forward upon Sanguine Asura's command

Little Black, the Thief, didn't even bother using [Stealth], recklessly charging forward as he stabbed Meng Meng squarely in the chest. This little fiasco had just been a platform for him to show off.

Since Meng Meng was a Magician, she had lost nearly 60% of her health from that single blow, causing their group to descend into a state of delirium.

If this had been a regular mouse-and-keyboard game, the girls would still have a fighting chance. But in this virtual reality game, these peaceful and docile girls were hardly comparable to the average player, how could they possibly face an elite player like Sanguine Asura?

Li Xue frantically healed the whole group, barely preventing the Thief Little Black from killing all of them.