Bare Handed Weapon Stealing

"You… you killed Master Flashy! And stole his sacred mace!"

Seeing how Wang Yu had so easily killed Master Flashy without any hesitation, his men were at a loss for words.

"Yea I did. You got a problem with that?" Wang Yu turned around and asked.

The mere fact that Wang Yu was wearing several pieces is Gold tier equipment was already enough to scare most players away. Now that they had witnessed him easily dispatch their leader, how could any of them have any objections?

"N… no…" They softly whimpered while hugging they weapons. Wang Yu's mere presence at this moment was enough to scare away the entire crowd of players.

These players were all on the payroll of someone else so how could they just blindly charge in? Their items were all given to them by Master Flashy so if they lost it they would have to compensate for it. Since their boss was already dead then there was no point throwing their lives away anyway.