How Does It Feel?

"Look how great I am!" Fearless laughed.

"You already lost that piece of equipment, what does this have to do with you?" Everyone else mocked.

"Look at it this way. Do you think that it's a great achievement for me not only know Ming Du, but to make him acknowledge me as he boss?" Fearless smugly told the other players: "Hand it over."

Ming Du stretched his hand out, passing a skill book to Fearless.

[Resurrection](Active): Uncommon skill. Allows the player to revive a player that has died in the past 1 minute.

Job Requirement: Priest.

No wonder the others were surprised, [Resurrection] was one of the top tier skills that a Priest could learn, this skill meant that everyone else could have an extra life... who would have thought that such a high quality skill would come from simple dungeon like the Blood Soaked Church.