A Present For Pure Lands

It was the last day of the year on the lunar calendar and most families were having their reunion dinners now. However, not a single one of the players in Twilight City had logged off as they knew that the battle in the city was definitely more exciting than anything on tv now.

The street where the respawn point was located was currently overflowing with players from Pure Lands and even ordinary Twilight City players. Since the Pure Lands players had set up a blockade at the respawn point and even the teleportation array, the players in Twilight City couldn't even play normally even if they wanted to!

Although the top guild in Twilight City was under attack, the two other large guilds seemed like they didn't dare to take action. This situation angered the Twilight City players to no end. However, no one dared to say anything since they all lacked the strength.