PVP Arena

After working together for so long, Wang Yu naturally trusted Frost Blade. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gave Frost Blade all of his money that easily right?

When the others saw him take out three items to exchange for the leg guard, they gave up on the item completely. After all, any one of the items that Wang Yu took out was already extremely valuable, and one might not have been able to get it with money. No one would bother spending their time to fight wih Wang Yu to see who was wealthier.

Once they were done distributing the equipment, everyone continued working on their own factions' quests while Wang Yu took the teleportation formation to the guild headquarters.

Inside his bag, there was another item.

It wasn't the item that he had just snatched, but one that would only be of value in his hands.

After arriving in the forge of the guild headquarters, Wang Yu took out a charcoal black single handed sword.