
After settling the shield, Fearless looked down to continue looting. This time, he took out a book.

[Earth-shattering Impact]: Uncommon skill, leap into the air and smash the ground with player's weapon. All enemies in a 500 radius will be thrown into the air. Job Requirement: Warrior, Knight.

This was an AOE damage and crowd control skill… Almost equivalent to a weakened version of [Mountain Shattering Blow], but [Mountain Shattering Blow] did not allow one to teleport. Despite that, [Mountain Shattering Blow] was a high tier level 40 skill, hence at this point, it was considered rather valuable.

"Warriors and Knights, roll!" Fearless displayed the skill book then said.

In the battle just now, other than Wang Yu and the two Guardians who kept the boss under control and contributed a little more, the rest more or less contributed the same amount. Thus, they could only roll now.