High Grade Recovery Medicine Formula

"Little snow, have your alchemy level reached the medium grade?" Wang Yu turned back to ask Li Xue.

Li Xue replied, "I was not that far away, to begin with. However, Brother Frost Blade gave me an Alchemist Treasure Chest yesterday and it gave me quite a bit of experience points. Because of that, I've reached the medium grade."

Alchemists and pharmacists were not too different. The higher the level of medicine concocted, the more proficient they were in their jobs. Ever since Li Xue became an alchemist, she had been concocting medium grade recovery medicine over and over again. After some time, it was natural that she became proficient in what she did. Therefore, even if she didn't receive the treasure chest, it was only a matter of days before she could become a medium grade alchemist.

"You should be able to learn this formula right?" As Wang Yu spoke, he took out a dirty looking piece of parchment paper.