Irritating Crowd Control Skill

For a person without a sense of direction, one could still look at the surrounding to judge one's own positioning. However, there were no reference objects here. It was so bad that even a person with a sense of direction would find it hard to get out of here.

Situations like this include: Forest, desert and Di Kapia's stomach.

In reality, one could create and leave reference objects. However, this wasn't possible in the game because as one takes a step forward, the game would remove everything that was not supposed to be behind you.

The third time Wang Yu and Vainglory crossed the fork in the road, Wang Yu suddenly asked, "Little Chicky, do you think this fork in the road is the same?"

"En, exactly the same." Vainglory nodded as this was refreshed by the system.

"Then will the monsters be the same too?" Wang Yu pointed at three red, yellow and white small monsters.